Thursday, November 21, 2019

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) - Article Example almost everything that a business or industry handles and a consumer benefits from; â€Å"from toasters to transformers, sewer pipes to sewing machines and light to lumber† (Griffin, 15). The CSA mark of standard can be found on â€Å"more than a billion products around the world† (Griffin, 15). The international counterpart of the organization â€Å"tests and certifies products to national, regional and international standards† (Griffin, 15). This in turn helps to ensure â€Å"public safety and health†, better the â€Å"quality of life†, and conserve environmental health (Griffin, 15). The role of the organization has been defined as to â€Å"foster operational excellence† (Griffin, 15). CSA provides standards for many aspects of a renovation project. As detailed in the CSA website,, CSA has set standards for building construction, the Z320-11, Building Commissioning Standard and Check Sheets 2011. There is also a detailed set of guidelines, CSAZ8000, published specifically in the context of renovation of health care facilities, for essential electrical systems, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, handling of waste materials, infection control, plumbing installations, and medical gas-pipeline systems. A renovator can follow these standards to ensure quality and safety. They help the renovator to know â€Å"if the technical functions associated with their major systems were safe and fully operational,† as suggested in the CSA website, These standards approach the buildings and their entire operational systems from a holistic perspective, says the CSA website, The website also explains that the â€Å"major building system s† that come under these guidelines are: It is also observed in the CSA website,, that â€Å"the intent of this Standard is to provide a comprehensive, integrated, consistent, and managed process to ensure and document the performance of a complete building and its major systems in meeting the basis of

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